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0 Microsoft Office 2010 sales on the slow side

Thursday 15 July 2010 Labels:
Did you even know? The Windows version of Microsoft Office 2010 has been out for a few weeks now. Perhaps this never registered with you since you’re happy with whatever version of Office you already have on your computer. Or maybe you don’t use Office at all anymore, preferring to write documents and edit spreadsheets online.
Analyst firm NPD Group says sales of Office 2010 have been disappointing to date. Yes, sales so far are roughly in line with those of Office 2007 right now, but it’s selling more slowly than Office 2007 did at launch three years ago. This doesn’t bode well for the company, which stakes a huge part of its operations on selling the expensive, industry-standard Office suite — Office 2007 earned $1.5 billion in sales — and which has everything to lose if Office loses that industry-standard status.

Why the softness in sales? In a nutshell, NPD says everyone who wants Office already has it, and those who don’t aren’t going to upgrade for any price.

Microsoft finds itself in a bit of a predicament with Office 2010. The market for productivity software is saturated to an extreme, and Office 2010 just doesn’t offer enough in the way of new features to merit an upgrade for most users. It’s expensive, and corporate users are unlikely to make a fuss if their IT departments hold off on the upgrade, possibly even sitting out this version altogether.

Meanwhile, Office is being squeezed on the low end by the growing popularity of free online productivity suites like Google Docs, which offer 90 percent of the functionality of Office at zero percent of the price. There is nothing but upside ahead for online office suites as they become more and more capable, and though they haven’t hit the mainstream quite yet, it’s only a matter of time before they do. Microsoft’s attempts to build “cloud” features into Office just don’t cut it.

What about you? Are you using Office 2010? Do you even care?
— Christopher Null is a technology writer for Yahoo! News.
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0 LG Akan Gelontorkan Ponsel Jejaring Sosial

detikinet - Memanfaatkan momentum Indonesia Cellular Show (ICS) 2010 yang tengah dihelat di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), LG menggelontorkan ponsel baru yang didedikasikan bagi para penikmat jejaring sosial. Apa saja yang ditawarkan?

LG GW305, terlahir sebagai jajaran messaging ponsel yang menawarkan sejumlah fitur jejaring sosial. Tengok saja desainnya yang mengusung papan ketik qwerty serta aplikasi Facebook di dalamnya.

"Bukan hanya sekadar link, namun sudah merupakan aplikasi. Jadi pengguna bisa
langsung mengunggah foto lewat ponsel ini," Product Marketting Head LG Indonesia, Richard Susilo, di JCC, Rabu (14/7/2010).

Tampil dengan beragam kombinasi warna, diklaim LG sebagai pencitraannya sebagai ponsel profesional dan modern.

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0 Pengguna Facebook Mobile Capai 150 Juta

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Pengguna Facebook kini telah mencapai 150 juta orang, naik dari sebelumnya yang hanya 100 juta orang pada April. Tentu saja, kondisi ini bergantung pada perangkat mobile sebagai platform kunci masa depan mereka.

Hal ini dikemukakan oleh Head of Mobile Product Facebook Eric Tseng saat menghadiri konferensi MobileBeat 2010 yang tengah dihelat di San Fransisco. Dia menyebutkan, pertumbuhan Facebook mobile terus tumbuh.
"Ranah mobile berkembang pesat dan menjadi pendongkrak pertumbuhan kami," kata Tseng seperti dilansir PC World dan dikutip detikINET, Rabu (14/7/2010).

Dia menyebutkan, selama enam bulan terakhir Facebook terus berupaya agar platform Facebook mobile segera mengejar ketertinggalannya dari versi PC. Di antaranya dengan mengupdate aplikasi programming interface untuk aplikasi Android dan iPhone.

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0 Ponsel Touchscreen Kian Banyak Penggemar di Indonesia

Labels: - Meski masih terus digempur dengan kehadiran beragam ponsel qwerty dan candy bar, namun disinyalir peminat ponsel touch screen tau layar sentuh di Indonesia kian bergeliat. Demikian prediksi yang diungkapkan Djatmiko Wardoyo, selaku President Director Global Teleshop.

"Pasar di Indonesia itu memang masih qwerty minded, namun belakangan ponsel
touch screen sudah makin diminatti," ujar Djatmiko di JCC, Rabu (14/7/2010).

Ponsel qwerty memang terbilang paling digandrungi di pasaran Tanah Air saat ini. Berdasarkan data penjualan yang di himpun Global Teleshop, hingga Juni 2010 sekitar 35% pengguna ponsel kerap melirik qwerty. Diperkirakan hingga akhir tahun nanti peminat ponsel qwerty akan bertambah hingga 50%.

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